Thursday, December 25, 2008

Eat That Frog

Welcome to Australia's version of sizzlin' hot
Eat That Frog!


This is an invitation into what might be the world’s most remarkable and profitable system to not only double your income but cut your hours of work drastically.

If you are a professional who is not only interested in increasing your income and cutting your hours in half, but you also have no problem thinking outside of the box. YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE.

There’s an excellent reason why you are here, among a select few chosen to receive this invitation- a reason that will become very apparent to you in a moment.

Today’s professional and business owners realize that standard methods of business are no longer working. People are burning out, companies are collapsing and employees are no longer loyal. How do you build an organization, a company and most importantly, your own life as a leading professional without procrastination, without hesitation or burn out?
You Eat That Frog!

Eat That Frog! has just been released in the Australian market after have amazing success in the US, Canada and 40 over countries. Self confidence and structured planning are a key focus in most business and sales objectives. The key message of Eat That Frog! is the same but the core value does not offer a prescribed hype-filled motivation end. Brian Tracy brings to the event key solutions, step by step procedures and strategies that give tools and methods to get to the core of the message. With all businesses and leaders being different a personalized approach to life and work and all aspects that fill our day need to be planned and prioritized.

Many employees and team leaders know how to create To-Do lists, but few know how to prioritize and complete their tasks in order of importance.

For every new habit, an old habit will be done away with. BTI teaches in the Eat That Frog!

There are step by step processes, strategic methods and on target paths that you can follow and you can root out common problems that stop the mediocre and call professionals forward. We are covering these steps in our Eat That Frog! Seminar. You’ll learn all about how to create real profits, how to overcome procrastination, how to trim down your hours and most importantly, how to accomplish what you deserve and desire in your business endeavors. seminar that the most valuable tasks you can do each day are often the hardest and most complex. But the payoff and rewards for completing these tasks efficiently can be tremendous. You will learn how to adamantly refuse to work on tasks in the bottom 80% while you still have tasks in the top 20% left to be done.

Keep Coming Back as we will impart the lessons that the Eat That Frog Seminar has shared through this blog. You will hear success stories, tips and real-life applications that can help you gain wealth, success and total life satisfaction.
See you soon

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Key to a Happy & Successful Life

My experiences before proved that my lifestyle can be considered as "habits of wasting time". Lately, I've read about Brian Tracy's "Eat that Frog" and was slapped with a realization. Pristine insights flowed within me and I never felt motivated this much. This book brought me to the realm to practice effective time management. I should be developing my skills to be effective and successful. Every Chapter of "Eat That Frog" teaches a daily method effective in improving our daily lifestyle -- To utilize healthy procrastination. By doing such, we should have focus in setting our daily goals and objectives, prioritizing and putting it in action to allow productivity to flourish. This book really portrays the key to success.

Confessions of A New Convert

Brian Tracey's "Eat That Frog" works in so many different ways. It helps me a lot in my daily activities. It teaches time management and reminds me to focus only to IMPORTANT TASKS. I am now more effective with my tasks and now setting clearer goals and objectives for my life. This book really works for me and changes the way I think. My desire to success improves and builds my future to be bright and sufficient. This book tells us that to be successful we should practice lesser procrastination to be more effective in life. We should eat our daily "frog" with enthusiasm and discipline. "Frogs" are there to push us to where we desire most – a successful and happy life!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Successful people practically know what they're doing. They have mastered a skill and applied it in their chosen craft which not only makes them effective but also, influential to others. Success of successful people is something that everyone should re-learn. Successful people didn't use any complicated methods or techniques to achieve success. The more simpler an approach towards maximum results is, the more they would patronize it. For them, success is not complicated but rather simple. If you want an apple, pick an apple from its tree and not from an orange tree. That's how they think. That's how simple success of successful people is.
Brian Tracy, a self-made man and a successful "life coach" shares to everyone through his bestseller, "Eat That Frog!" how success of successful people can be achieved by everyone. By sharing 21 practical principles like thinking on paper, the rule of 3, the 80-20 rule, the ABCDE Method in prioritizing, etc. are classic examples of success infused with sheer happiness. For one to afford a simple life, one must learn to work hard for it. But, until when? The answer lies within. The conviction and decision to bring forth success should be crystal clear and transparent to yourself. Success is just there but until when will you let it wait? Success of successful people can be easily achieved by just eating that frog!

You Hold Success

No matter what others may say or advice you, you still have the final say. If you want change, nobody can bring it to you but yourself. Nobody's responsible to your fate but you yourself. You are given with the gift of "free will" to choose on whatever. Regardless of what choices you make, success is just there within waiting to be moved. Brian Tracy's book, "Eat That Frog!" is a gracious book to spoon feed to its audience the beauty of achieving success.

I have learned from the expert methods and techniques in managing my time and optimizing my wealth. Mr. Brian Tracy is definitely one fat "frog eater". He is the living epitome of success and grace. He directs his audience only to themselves. Positively motivating themselves to achieve success and happiness. If you're not going to plant, surely you won't reap anything. For successful people, success is a process and never instant. It is not like the comforts of technology where in a push of a button, voala! There you have it. Success like trust is earned and worked on. It is never served in a silver platter. You hold it and you can do something about it.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Layman Version Of The Successful Language

Try to imagine yourself in a physician’s clinic. You have undergone a series of tests trying to diagnose a simple episode of diarrhea. Now, the laboratory results and tests reveal the disease. The physician now starts explaining everything using highly sophisticated medical terms. You are now confused with what he or she is trying to tell you because of the terms he or she used. It made you more anxious of your diagnosis instead of the other way around. Instead of comprehending your current state you become more unaware of what’s happening.

Would you ask that physician to explain it to you in layman or opt to get a second opinion from another physician who can explain it crystal clear?

What I’m trying to say is this. If someone alienates you to perform a simple task, ask the person who delegated you until its crystal clear. No loss! Right? Getting a second opinion is an option but will just waste precious time and effort. Asking directly to the person involve will just optimize your performance and produce expected and maximum results in no time. Now, learning the language of the successful people are simply discussed in layman at Brian Tracy’s book, “Eat That Frog!” The language of successful people is so simple and direct. It’s either a “yes” or a “no”. No “ifs”, “buts”, “maybes”. They tell you directly if it’s a hit or not. By learning how to converse like a successful person requires discipline, focus, confidence, action, swift delivery and creativity. Most of the techniques taught in the book aren’t the usual things you learn in school but very vital if you’re decided to achieve success. What you learn in the four corners of your classroom is different in the real world. All you need to learn is to think like a CEO, work like the company owner and motivated like a kid. “Eat That Frog” reveals it all by telling you to think on paper and eat the biggest and ugliest “frogs” in your work pond FIRST. It will surely help you comprehend the language of success.

Bringing Out Your Successful You

Have you been wasting your God-given time torn with your work and just waiting for success to give you a chance? Honestly speaking, all the time you’ve been waiting for success, you totally ignored it all your life. Success is a discipline mate. Try for example, our Olympiad athletes ready to be launched in a few weeks for this August 8, 2008 World Olympics in China. They have been undergoing series of trainings and lifestyle modifications since last year. They have been training with discipline and motivating themselves to push everything to the limits. “No pain, no gain” is their motto. Now, if you’re still sitting there and doing nothing, you wouldn’t even taste or see a glimpse of success in your life. That is for a fact. If you want success, you have to work hard for you to earn it.

Bringing Out You Slumbering SUCCESS

Now, I ask you to quickly get a piece of clean paper and a pen and WRITE all your dreams and goals. Everything that you can possibly think off write it down with conviction. Give yourself 15 minutes to do it. More than that is a luxury so think quickly! Now, try to sort it all out by applying Brian Tracy’s hit, “Eat That Frog!” Rule of 3. Identify all your TOP 3 Goals/Dreams for yourself, your family/relationship, health, finances, your personal development, your social responsibility and your TOP 3 concerns. By doing so will simply give you some sense of direction. Now, try to direct all your actions towards reaching your long-term goals in what you’ve sorted out. Discipline, focusing only to important things and positive motivation to achieve success is what will fuel your drive. The rest of your dreams/goals that aren’t included can wait. Don’t fret, it’ll be of some importance in due time.

After performing that simple simulation of Brian Tracey’s bestseller, “Eat That Frog!” you will definitely have a quick peek of what I’m trying to bring out of you – your successful “YOU”.